YouTube Video – Trygive explaining about Lions in permaculture Check out our new website, please leave an opinion Avuxeni,... read more →
As I was thinking about Joy this week, and all the issues she has overcome and continues to overcome, I... read more →
By Louise and the KTD196 Dream Team – Director Thank you for all of your support, your financial gift is... read more →
Today, I want to tell you about the often interesting, and laughable situations my staff find themselves in on the... read more →
Greetings Avuxeni! Today I am writing to you about something a bit different. I try and make my letters uplifting,... read more →
WOW, you are just so faithful, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you as a person.... read more →
One of the wonderful parts of KTD196, in my opinion, is that we get to work in teams with other... read more →
Thank you so much for supporting the children we serve, thank you for making such a huge difference and giving... read more →
Each week I write these reports to keep you updated, to introduce you to some of the characters we work... read more →
What I love about my job is the look of joy on people’s faces, that smile we are able to... read more →
Thank you for helping us to make such a difference in the lives of the people we serve. The impact... read more →
One of the many reasons I love my job is because I get to meet people from all over the... read more →