We are still reeling from the loss of Mum Rose, although the funeral is now over, we are still doing “Damage” Control regarding the children, many children have been struggling with the loss of our precious Rosemary. This has highlighted a few issues that we as KTD196 need to address. It is wonderful the impact and the relationships we build with the kids, the compassion and care we provide is long lasting however, the down side is when something as catastrophic as the loss of one of our Field Officers impacts not just the staff, the organization, but also the beneficiaries, it is something we need to be very mindful of how we support the kids, and their parents into the future.
It has been wonderful to see the out pouring of love on social media, through phone calls, and letters from all over the world. What has also blessed me has been the number of people willing to support the family during this time financially. A number of the SHG groups who knew Mum Rose, even though she was not in that program, have contributed financially towards the funeral expenses.
In this part of the world people flock to the family home from the time of death until the funeral, they stay, they grieve, and they expect to be fed. Sometimes up to a week. I am talking about 40-50 people daily. Plus, catering for the funeral! It was a huge affair.
It was a difficult time, I wont lie, but it was great to see so many familiar faces from the past, kids who had grown up in the program, wanting to come back and give back to the program. Many of Rose’s friends and relatives also saw how kind and loving the kids were and how they honoured Rose and want to be a part of what we do.
It was a healing time. I have added some short videos and pictures for you to view if you would like. But I wanted to close off this monumental occasion properly for you as our sponsors and supporters. I have written about Rose on and off over the years and since people have contacted me after last weeks post I just wanted to complete the loop.
Thank you for your donations and thank you for your heart warming love during this time. You are so much more than just a donor; you are walking this journey with us.
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