My name is Dikeledi Rakabe am 37years old and I have three children, one boy and two girls, I joined Keep the Dream196 years back with Scouts programs for educating children in our village and around our area. Now I am working with SHGA program which is also part of KTD196 NGO programs for empowering woman and their families financially to have better lives.
Working for KTD196 has helped me and my family physically, emotionally, and financially and KTD196 serves as a strong support for the future for my children and my family. I am very happy to be working with SHG groups of women, it is an experience that grows and challenges me to strive and work very hard as we are learning everyday with different kinds of social, emotional and economic trainings, and also learning about people’s natures and background. Those who really want change, change, and change more for their families and communities.
I will always be grateful for the opportunity because in the past I used to be shy, with no confidence to stand in front of people or even speak but all the trainings we received from SHGA programs in the past two years. I am now proud of myself, I am now able to stand in front many people and speak with knowledge and confidence, I love and respect every woman that I work with.
I am very happy to be part of KTD196 NGO and the SHG programs and helping other women to support their families, and improving their communities, and the lives of their children’s future is in good hands, Thank you very much.