Catherine Tiva | Field Officer

Catherine Tiva

My name is Catherine Mushwana Tiva from Burgersdorp village, I am a mother and a grandmother, I thank GOD for my beautiful family, and all the children that I now have because of my passion for children. I have been working for Keep the Dream196 for sixteen years now.

I started as a home-based care giver, at Choice Trust working with people who are in need and sick helping them to get well and taking their treatment daily.

Joining Keep the Dream196 was different from my previous work because they focus on children’s, it was new to me and I love working kids, we were trained through their programs and began to train and work, learn, sing, dance, handcraft, and help them to grow their own gardens at home.

Working for keep the Dream196 helped me, in developing many skills with my hands and gained more knowledge, it’s like learning every day and it’s very exciting. Sometimes we go to camp with the children where they go on hikes, and learn more about nature; and how to care for themselves in school; at home in their communities; and deal with the pressure that comes with life challenges.

Personally I am proud of myself for making the move from caregiver to field officer, I am a bit shy, but it brings out the best in me, I love kids, they are like my own, my family has grown to be the whole community.

I am now called mother by many, and I thank God, we are making a difference regardless of their background, others are orphans, all are vulnerable, all are welcomed by KTD196. Now some are successful graduates, working having their own families, all because of the programs we are doing and teaching them at KTD196.

I am grateful to our founders, Louise and Zabe for giving us the opportunity to work and help young people live for the better, and have a positive mind set about their future. It’s easy to end up in drugs and bad influence or in jail nowadays. The motivation we give our children helps them to abstain from street live style, they are independent, focussed, well-mannered and encouraged.

Thank you for giving me, the tools to help others, not only for them but for myself too! I have grown as a mother of many, and my children’s parents are now my extended family, and we work together building tomorrow today.