Abrina Morongwa

Abrina Morongwe | Keep the Dream 196

My name is Abrina Morongwa Moshole. I came across Keep The Dream 196(KTD196) in 2009 when I was looking for an organization to donate to in the Tzaneen area, where I am originally from.

Firstly, I was elated to discover that such an organization exists and secondly, I knew I needed to do more than just donate money. Upon meeting Louise Batty and Elizabeth Mabuza, I was beyond impressed by the work they do for the children and women of Limpopo. I resonated more with the notion of training and empowering children while they are still in the most malleable stage of their lives, building the child holistically to be able to overcome any life situation or challenge they may come across throughout their lives.

Training and empowering communities through programs such as Journey of Life shows that KTD196 strives for self-sustainability. Programs such as Self-Help Groups which focuses on financial independence for women from poor and impoverished background, compelled me to be part of KTD196 in any form possible; as I firmly believe in empowering people to be the best version of themselves AND paying it forward.

I joined KTD196’s Board of Directors in 2014, serving as the Treasurer. Through my role on the board, I got to closely witness the incredible difference that KTD196 is making in the lives of women, children and ultimately the communities of Limpopo.

What I love and appreciate about KTD196 is the fact that it provides its beneficiaries tools, skills and knowledge to empower themselves – it does not believe in the “handout” mentality.

In 2023, I officially joined KTD196 as the HR/Operations Manager. Through the generosity of our donors and volunteers, this organization is growing in leaps and bounds and continues to empower children, women and the various communities in South Africa. Re a leboga – Thank you!