Self Help Groups

Project Summary

Poverty alleviation, small business development and women empowerment through Asset Based Community Development (ACD).

KTD196 is training and facilitating the development of SHG groups, which will develop into CLA’s and eventually into an independent Federation (representative body) independent of KTD196.

66% of women and children primarily black rural women carry the burden of poverty in RSA.

Through guidance and support from KTD196 all the ladies/families will climb out from under the money lenders, support themselves and be able to start small businesses which will bring income into the family, and reduce dependence on social grants and the State.

Through using ABCD approach the women save R10 per week that is cycled out as loans to the women at 10% return, this money compounds the following week, and every week thereafter.

Financially viable, thriving small businesses in the rural areas which will in turn create healthy and happy homes in the future and break the poverty cycle within the nation. The women become their answer to their own financial problems which builds resilience, self-worth and a victorious mind-set.

Self Help Groups

Our Impact

Self Help Groups
Rands Saved

a Mother’s Testimonial | Self Help Groups

When you are stressed you no longer go home being the same, the women on the group brings laughter.

Training includes:

  • Basic business skills.
  • Communication skills.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Conflict resolution and problem solving.
  • Cash Book Skills
  • Minutes, meeting, agenda skills.
  • Business research skills.