Constance Mpuru | Field Officer

My name is Costance Mpuru, from sedan village where I live with my family.

I started working for keep the dream 196 from 2007 as a volunteer and I began working full time as a field officer from 2011, Before joining KTD196 I was not able to speak, write, in English very well or use a computer, now am able to use it, and communicate, I am very happy with the progress I have made in my life at KTD196. I have also gained confidence in myself, to teach in front of others, and help others who need motivation.

Scouts program was the best for us and our communities, I live in a very remote village where everything is very far from us, towns, main roads, all that changed because of scouts. Our children now go to camps and travel through big main roads and learn, I am grateful to KTD196 for considering me and the parents for trusting us with their children.

My journey with KTD196 is a blessing for me I remember working in Groblersdal, with Talani projects, Skilpad, Mazembe at Capricorn, doing Permaculture training and we learned how to save water by planting seedlings in a bed of soil, using grass to cover the soil from the heat of the sun and to prevent the soil; from drying out. We were trained properly on how to grow our own gardens. From then I trained others how to make a business from Permaculture all around the province.

I remember an incident that happened one day visiting a primary school with two of my colleagues, while we were working with the kids, we heard a loud noise and kids come running, and they were chased by bees and the bees started to sting their bodies and they were crying, one end up falling on the ground. I told the other ladies that am going to help the boy that fell and was being covered by bees, I know bees are dangerous, but the pain that I felt for the boy was unbearable to watch and fold my hands or run and hide.

I ran straight to the boy and pick him up and place him where there was a flower garden and the bees left the boy and started to sting me and I ran to an opened door and close it, my whole body was in pain, luckily, I was rushed to the clinic with the children who were hurt and the boy whom I rescued. He was badly swollen and was taken to the ICU hospital for treatment. I am very happy that we save lives, and we care about what happens to our children we love them in pain and in happiness, we are one big family.

I am very proud of myself, through God we are able, to focus in helping, building and supporting their education for a better tomorrow and where their dreams do come through, thank you Louise and Zabe today I am a confident woman because of you. God bless you and keep you all the days of your lives.